Self-Hosting Sentry? Here’s How to Deal with Disk Space Issues

If you’re hosting your own Sentry server for your side projects, you know the advantages it brings in terms of cost and control. However, with the control also comes the responsibility of maintaining the server and keeping an eye on the disk usage.

Here’s a simple solution to tackle disk space issues in Sentry:

Step 1: Cleanup Old Events

As time goes by, the events logged in Sentry accumulate, which may lead to an increase in disk usage. To deal with this, you can run the following command within the Sentry “worker” container:

sentry cleanup --days 30

This command will delete all the events that are older than 30 days, which will free up some space on your disk.

Step 2: Vacuum PostgreSQL

Sentry uses PostgreSQL as its database, and over time, the database can become fragmented, leading to disk space issues. To deal with this, you can vacuum PostgreSQL to reclaim some space.

To vacuum PostgreSQL, you’ll need to enter the PostgreSQL container by running:

docker exec -it <your-postgres-container-name> psql -U postgres

Once inside the container, run the following command to vacuum PostgreSQL:


This command will remove dead rows from the PostgreSQL database, which will free up some disk space. However, keep in mind that the database will be blocked while the vacuum is running.

By following these two simple steps, you can free up some disk space on your Sentry server and keep it running smoothly.

Self-hosting Sentry comes with its own set of challenges, but with the right solutions, you can keep your server up and running with ease. By following the steps outlined in this article, you can tackle disk space issues in Sentry and keep your server running smoothly.
